Igor Dvorkin

Crafting music for Film, TV & Advertising

Composer and songwriter with a catalogue as vast as it is exotic

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The story behind the sound

Igor Dvorkin has travelled the world, crafting regional music and constantly adding to his expanding creative palette. While in the USSR, he honed his skills as a composer, conductor, and songwriter. From there, Igor’s life took him to the Middle East, where he supplemented his already vast repertoire with ethnic music from that region. His travels eventually brought him to London in 1998, where he plied his craft composing music for television from a multitude of genres and styles. With a catalogue as vast as it is exotic, Igor is positioned to have a song for every visual and emotional moment. If anything were somehow lacking, he can pull from his encompassing understanding to deliver something altogether new.

With a catalogue as vast as it is exotic, Igor is positioned to have a song for every visual and emotional moment
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